Kitchen  Food  Preparation Helps & Tips |
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat. |
Use only the freshest and best quality flours.   Old flour may not rise. Flours grow stale and rancid on aging. For this reason it is well to keep all grains, whether whole or ground, refrigerated,  frozen or in a cool place during storage.
Freshly milled grains into flour and the made into fresh breads and foods are the staff of life. Twenty-five vitamins and proteins, as well as high fiber benefit of bran are available only in freshly milled flour from whole grain berries. Because grain is naturally preserved in it's shell, it is important to preserve   the whole grain until the last moment - the way nature intended   in order to get the most nutrition out of your foods. For most healthful breads, mill and bake within 3 hour period. Flours left on the shelf many months have lost a portions of their B complex and C vitamins.
The gluten content of hard wheat flour makes it best for bread making. A mixture of two or three flours is quite nutritious, as the elements of one will supplement deficient elements of another. Breads made from mixtures of two or three grains should alternately with single grain breads for best nutrition. The addition of soy flour gives a more moist product that keeps fresh longer. Low-fat soy flour should be used as it  has the higher percentage of protein and keeps better than the high-fat soy flour.
All other flours, whether beans or grains may be substituted for wheat flour in a bread recipe, which in turn will manifest its own unique characteristics. These flours (except Spelt and Kamut) do not contain enough gluten in them for successful high rising yeast bread making. Add or substitute 1/3 to 1/6 cup of wheat flour to your mixture to get high rising breads.
Develop  the  gluten  of  wheat  flour  in  the  batter  by  beating  thoroughly  or  squeezing  between fingers before adding other flours which have no gluten. Gluten toughens on beating, enabling it to hold air bubbles better.
An off-flavor develops in bread that is allowed to get too warm. Too cool a temperature prolongs the rising. Keep the temperature right. The yeast plant grows best at a temperature of 80 Deg. Baking yeast may be purchased prepackaged in one tablespoon proportions. May also be obtained in bulk in 1/4 to 1 pound packages or more. Buying in bulk will save you money. Yeast should be stored in refrigerator or freezer. To check to see if yeast is still fresh, add room temperature yeast to warm water and a small amount of sweetener or as the recipe calls for. If it bubbles and foams within 5 minutes, the yeast is still active. Yeast develops best if the water it is added to is 85-110 degrees. Always first stir together the warm water, sweetener and yeast, let sit 5-10 minutes while yeast bubbles and foams. Then add salt, oil and half of the flour and then stirring vigorously 1-2 minutes, then add the rest of the flour.
Salt and fat both retard the growth of the yeast and preferably should not be added to a yeast mixture until it has grown string and lively by feeding on sugar and starch. Salt in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 2 1/2-3 cups of   flour is a general amount to be used in making bread.  Too much sugar retards the action of the yeast. Sweet breads should have extra honey added after the yeast is growing well.
The main purpose of sweetener in bread is to feed or help develop the yeast. Sweeteners , such as honey, corn syrup, brown rice syrup, molasses, cane sugar crystals,  and  brown  or  white  sugar will accomplish this., as well as  fruit juice and fruit sauce.
Milk should not be used in the place of water when making bread. Milk makes yeast bread less wholesome and tends to encourage improper fermentation in the bread. The sour-dough bread is unwholesome. Numerous liquids can be used to make your breads and each will have its own characteristics:
Water: The cheapest, easiest, fastest. The flavor of the grain will be more apparent.
Milk: bread will rise higher, toast more evenly and quickly.
Potato Water: the liquid reserved after boiling potatoes not only gives greater volume, but gives a coarser texture, one that is good for holding spread butter, etc after toasting. Also adds moisture. Use no more than 1/2 liquid requirement.
Yogurt: adds tang. Substitute 1/2 liquid requirement.
Vegetable Juices or Broth: tomato juice, apple juice, seed sprouting water. Use any of these as part of your liquid requirement for added nutrition and varying tastes and textures.
Baking soda and baking powder and " such compounds" should not be used in baking. Saleratus in any form should not be taken into the stomach.
Always preheat the oven before bread is ready to go in. It is a good idea to turn it on when you start the molding the loaves as this warms the kitchen and helps the bread to rise quickly. Five minutes preheating is minimal. Baking bread temperature should usually be set to 350-400 degrees. Bake 1 pound loaf usually for 35-40 minutes and a 2 pound loaf usually for 45-50 minutes.
The loaves should be small and thoroughly baked. Allow 12-36 hours after baking before eating. Why? While the bread is rising and baking, there are some volatile substances left in the bread after fermentation process of the yeast has taken place. These substances evaporate in 2-3 days. The conditioning of the bread also improves during this time, making the bread easier to cut.
Brushing the crust of the loaf with oil will provide a tender crust but adds more oil to your diet which is not needed. Do not cover bread while it is cooling, except with a towel, as it causes a soft, slightly damp crust.
When dough is ready to mold into loaves, grease your hands and the pans well with solid shortening (oil will cause sticking). Form the dough into a smooth ball or loaf, and tuck it in so that the edges touch the sides of the pan, snugly and smoothly.
Whole Grains
Studies show that when cereals are well cooked so as to break down all of the raw starch, grain digestion is easier and, all in all, the benefits gained in health out way the hassle of taking more time to cook
GRAIN (in 1 cup amounts) |
Any rolled of flaked cereal such as rolled oats, barley, rye, wheat | 2 1/2 cups | 1 - 1 1/2 hours |
Quick Oats | 2 1/2 cups | 30 minutes |
Cornmeal | 2 1/2 cups | 1 1/2 hours |
Hulled berries such as millet, rice, barley, grits, steel cut oats | 3 cups | 2-3 hours |
Whole berries such as wheat berries and rye berries | 3 cups | 3-4 hours |
Stovetop Cooking:   Bring water and salt to a boil in a covered saucepan. Stir in grain, cover and return to boil. Turn heat down to a light boil and cook for recommended length of time. DO NO STIR  grain after mixing with boiling water, as this may cause the cereal to burn in the bottom of the pan. If cereal tend to be stuck in the bottom of the pan at the end of the cooking, simply remove from burner. Leave lid on and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then stir. It should come off the bottom easily at this time. Cornmeal will lump when added to boiling water unless part of the water is left cold to stir the cornmeal before adding to boiling water. Crock Pot Cooking:    All cereals, except flaked cereals do well in a crock pot over-night. Flakes get mushy. Try mixing 2 or 3 for variety in texture and a unique taste. The temperature setting varies with different pots. The cereals need to come to a simmer or light boil. Usually this is accomplished on a low setting of temperature but sometimes it takes a high setting. Baking:   Any of the cereals may be baked. This is a very easy way to prepare the cereals. This is also a quicker method when baked at 350 degrees. The higher temperature of baking will increase the cooking speed as water boils at 212 degrees and therefore takes longer to thoroughly cook. For rice or millet use 1 part grain to 2 parts hot water. Add 1 1/2 tsp salt per 4 cups of water or try to seasoned broth, etc. Chicken Style seasoning in water.   Bake covered, in a low, flat baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 90 minutes. Salt:    For each cup of water use 1/4 teaspoon of salt or to taste. |
Soaking grains overnight will save about 10 minutes for each hour of cooking time. Water used for soaking may be used in cooking the grain.
DEXTRINIZING or toasting grains before adding them to water helps to break down raw starch grains. This also cuts cooking time approximately in half. Large quantities of grains may be dextrinized ahead of time and stored the same as those not yet toasted but will get rancid quickly. Dextrinizing may be done in the oven or on top of the stove. No water is involved, only dry heat. Grains should take on a light golden brown. When doing grains on top of the stove use a large, flat bottom pan such as a cast iron or stainless steel frying pan. Grains will need constant stirring on medium low heat. Foe easy stirring do not fill the pan more than half full. For the oven method use cookie sheet. Grains will need to be stirred 2-3 times during the baking. Bake at 250 degrees. See chart to determine how long the dextrinizing should take. The chart also shows the shortened cooking time once dextrinizing grain is added to boiling water:
OVEN at 250 | STOVETOP (med/low) |
Cooking Time |
Rolled or Flaked |
45 minutes |
8-10 minutes |
20 minutes |
Meal |
45 minutes |
8-10 minutes |
30 minutes |
Hulled |
45 minutes |
10-15 minutes |
60 minutes |
Nuts are best eaten raw, in their natural state as nature provided, and chewed thoroughly, to assist proper digestion. Unfortunately, the common practice of   some people is to snack on " roasted" nuts. Roasting nuts which is usually done in coconut and peanut oil, is actually a form of deep frying, coating the nuts with oil, then heavily salting them, only to increase the amount of saturated fat (from the oil bath), and intake of sodium (from salting nuts).
Nuts should be eaten in moderation because they are concentrated foods, rich in unsaturated fats.   Nuts and seeds have more to offer, being packed with protein (10-29% by weight), B vitamins, minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper, zinc) and Vitamin E.
Roasting nuts makes them more difficult to digest and can lower some vitamins such as thiamine as much as 75%. Dry roasted nuts (in oven) are better than regular roasting (deep frying) in oil.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture " mature dry legumes and nuts are the riches sources of protein among foods of plant origin." Nuts are good sources of thiamine and riboflavin, necessary for normal growth, healthy nerves and appetite, and containing magnesium, phosphorous and iron.
Nuts may be eaten whole, made into a meal or flour to be added to breads and baked goods, boiled or lightly roasted in oven, as a topping for fruit or vegetables, made into nut and seed milks, delicious butters to be used as a spread for crackers or bread.
Almonds have approximately 3 times more calcium than walnuts or peanuts, 4 times more than pecans, and 6 times more than cashews. The iron content of almonds and cashews is approximately 3 times more than in pecans, English walnuts, or peanuts.
Peanuts are an excellent source of niacin, approximately 4-10 times more than most nuts. Best combined with grains, other legumes and seeds to obtain a complete protein.
Nuts may easily become rancid. Unshelled nuts keep longer than shelled ones. Shelled nuts should be refrigerated, and in covered containers to prevent rancidity. Nuts may also be frozen. Roasted and salted nuts become rancid more quickly.
Many kinds of nuts are on the market, harvested locally or brought from abroad.
Beverages - Raw  Fruit and Vegetable
In health and in sickness, pure water is one of Heaven's choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system, and assists nature to resist disease.   Water can be used in many ways to relieve suffering. Drafts of clear, hot water taken before eating (half quart, more or less), will never do any harm, but will rather be productive of good.   {CD 419.1-3}
Many make a mistake in drinking cold water with their meals. Taken with meals, water diminishes the flow of the salivary glands and the colder the water, the greater the injury to the stomach. Ice water or ice lemonade, drunk with meals, will arrest digestion until the system has imparted sufficient warmth to the stomach to enable it to take up its work again. Hot drinks are debilitating and besides, those who indulge in their use become slaves to the habit. Food should not be washed down no drink is needed with meals. Eat slowly, and allow the saliva to mingle with the food. The more liquid there is taken into the stomach with the meals, the more difficult it is for the food to digest for the liquid must first be absorbed. Do not eat largely of salt give up bottled pickles keep fiery spiced food out of your stomach eat fruit with your meals, and the irritation which calls for so much drink will cease to exist. But if anything is needed to quench thirst, pure water, drunk some little time before or after the meal, is all that nature requires. Never take tea, coffee, beer, wine, or any spirituous liquors. Water is the best liquid possible to cleanse the tissues. {CD 420.1}
Do all in your power to secure the best possible PURE WATER for your family. City water today is no longer pure but treated with Chlorine, Fluorine, Iodine, Softeners and other inorganic chemicals for protection against disease.
Drink freely of pure soft water -- on arising and in between the meals. Our food, when eaten, should not be diluted with water. Water taken with the meal hinders the flow of the salivary glands, and makes the food more difficult to digest for the Liquid must first be absorbed.   Juices and other healthful beverages may be taken 1/2 hour before the meal or in the evening for a light supper.
Make fruit the article of diet to be placed on your table, which shall constitute the bill of fare. The juices of fruit, mingled with bread, will be highly enjoyed. Good, ripe, undecayed fruit is a thing we should thank the Lord for, because it is beneficial to health. {CD 437.1}
Nourishing and healthful drinks may be in simple combinations of natural foods. Look towards making your own variety of natural fruit drinks vegetable juices herb teas nut, seed, and soy milks and nutritious chocolate and coffee substitutes.
Raw fruit and vegetable juices are an ideal supplementary food, high in food value. Fresh juices contain considerable amounts of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, in fibre-free easily digested form. For those who cannot eat sufficient raw foods to supply their daily needs -- without upsetting their digestion -- fresh juices are suggested.   Fruit juices generally are cleaning (Grape, Berry, Apple, Citrus, Pineapple, Papaya, Prune) Vegetable juices are builders and regenerators (Carrot, Beet, Celery, Cabbage, Tomato, Parsley, Spinach, Watercress, Wheat grass). Raw fruit and vegetable juices are very perishable and lose part of their nutritional value by prolonged storage. Drink after juicing or keep refrigerated in closed jar. Further references: Live Food Juices, by Dr. H. Kirshner Fresh Vegetable & Fruit Juices, by Dr. N. W. Walker How To Keep Slim, Healthy and Young with Juice Fasting, by Paavo Airola, N.D., Ph.D.
A good way to keep juices is to freeze them. Some of the juices that freeze very well are:
Apple Juice | In apple season -- juice apples and freeze. Delicious when thawed. Can be frozen in clean milk cartons. |
Berry Juice | Blackberry etc. Blend well. Strain. Freeze. To serve: dilute with water. Add honey. |
Citrus Juice | Oranges, grapefruits, lemons --- juice and freeze immediately. Thaw quickly |
Carrot Juices | Wash carrots well. Juice, extracting all liquid. Strain if necessary. freeze immediately. Slight change of color. Flavor good. Thaw quickly. |
Sauerkraut Juice | Remove liquid from crock after sauerkraut is ready to pack in jars. Freeze juice. A good appetizer for vegetable meals. Aids in digestion of proteins. |
Tomato Juice | Blend ripe tomatoes in Osterizer. Strain out seeds. Freeze in jars or cartons. Very good flavor. |
Grape Juice | Put fresh grapes through press type juicer. Freeze juice in jars. (Cook pulp with more water to extract any juice. Press out. Put in clean sterile jars and process to seal.) |
Watermelon Juice | When making melon balls, drain off liquid. Fill glass jars. Freeze. |
Fruit " Smoothies" are nourishing and satisfying. They can be served with breakfast, alone as a light meal, or for supper. Fruit smoothies can be made with a base of pineapple juice, orange juice, coconut milk, etc., and a variety of fresh, frozen, dried or canned fruits. The addition of nuts or seeds will enhance the food values. Blend till creamy smooth and serve in tall glasses.
Raw food juices can help the body reach nutrient balance, even if the metabolism is not working correctly. Vegetable and fruit juices are easily digested and do not need to be processed by the body. Juices are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. You will need to drink three pounds of green and yellow vegetables, with a small part of fruit. The body will eventually be able to improve the balance of energy and eliminate symptoms.
Allow six weeks on the juice program before judging the benefits of the live food juices. In the beginning of a juice program start by drinking 8 ounces for a few days and slowly increase the amount to 16 to 24 ounces. As you improve lower the daily amount to a maintenance dose of 8 to 16 ounces daily. Drink pure water in addition to juices. Research reveals that pyruvic acid in the bloodstream is greatly increased when there is a deficiency of Vitamin B-1, which slows the body energy down. Human bodies are being constantly rebuilt. Every part of the body from the toes to the hair on your head is constantly rebuilt. Juices allow the body to heal. The key to juice therapy is the amount of live enzymes available in fresh juices. Enzymes help to digest, use and eliminate everything that comes into the body. Use 8 medium carrots and add one apple and other vegetables of your choice. Drink only fresh juices. Drink juices immediately.
A juicer can be purchased for around $70 or as high as $400 for a Vita Mix. Raw food juices provide higher amounts of vitamins and minerals than solid foods. Your cells receive the nourishment even if the body is unable to use food sources properly. Everything you need is in fruits and vegetables, hormones, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and live proteins. The only exception, it may not supply enough Vitamins B-12, which can be added in food or nutrient form. When a person has a slow or fast energy cycle the body is not capable of removing all the toxins. The more off balance the body is, the more severe the psychiatric symptoms. The digestive tract becomes clogged the organs slow down and the intestines fill with materials that get stored instead of eliminated. The end results are a body poisoned by toxins and raging with symptoms. During juice purification the body will burn and digest its own tissue by the process of self-digestion. The body first eliminates the cells that are dead, damaged or diseased. Juices are easily assimilated from the upper digestive tract without utilizing the digestive organs, which allows weakened organs to mend.
Benefits Of Fruit Juices:   If using Vita Mix, pulp liquefied will increase cup quantity. Nourishment also increases.
Apple Juice:   2 medium apples makes ½ cup
Benefits come from: Pectin, Malic acid, natural sugars, cellulose, Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium Pectin is a fiber. It lowers cholesterol by surrounding the cholesterol and removing it from the body. Malic acid is a cleansing agent, which works to heal internal inflammations. It also acts as a digestive aid. Cellulose is a type of fiber, which aids the cleansing of the body. Magnesium low levels of magnesium have been shown to cause frustration, aggression and anger. Phosphorus works with calcium to strengthen bones, teeth and the central nervous system. Potassium works with the muscles and nerves. Potassium is vital to the body’s ability to use calcium. Use Apple juice for High cholesterol and to clear the liver of toxins.
Apricot Juice:   4 medium apricots, approximately ¼ cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin A (50% daily requirement), Potassium (100% daily requirement) Vitamin C, (25% daily requirement) Use Apricot juice for: High blood pressure
Blueberry Juice:   1 cup fresh berries, approximately ¼ cup juice
Benefits come from: Manganese, potassium, Vitamin C and antiseptic qualities from the enzymes. Manganese helps the body use B-1 and Vitamin E. Antiseptic qualities help to purify the bloodstream. Potassium 50% of the daily requirement Vitamin C 33% of daily requirement Use Blueberry juice for: Constipation, Diarrhea or menstrual symptoms.
Cherry Juice:   1 cup raw, approximately ¼ cup
Benefits come from: acid content, Vitamin C and potassium acid content. Vitamin C 1,000% of daily requirement Potassium 50% daily requirement. Use Cherry juice for the following: to kill bacteria, improve eyesight, high blood pressure, aids digestion
Cranberry Juice:   1 cup berries, approximately ¼ cup
Benefits come from: Potassium, Sulfur, Vitamin C and Hip uric acid Potassium 20% daily requirement Vitamin C 20% daily intake Sulfur builds healthy nails, skin and hair. Hip uric acid kills bacteria in the body preventing infections. Use Cranberry Juice for the following: Infections, diarrhea and to purify the liver
Grape Juice: 2 cups, approximately 1 cup
Benefits come from: potassium, Vitamin C, B vitamins, tartaric acid, and digestive enzymes. Potassium 100% daily requirement Vitamin C 120% daily requirement Tartaric acid works with potassium to increase urine flow and cleanse the kidneys and all internal organs. Eliminates mucus from the body. B Vitamins are necessary to create brain chemicals. Use Grape Juice for the following: High blood pressure, and constipation
Grapefruit Juice: 1 medium (pink), approximately ¾ cup
Benefits come from: Galacturonic acid, Pectin, Vitamin C, Potassium. Galacturonic acid is found only in grapefruit. It removes plague build-up inside the arteries. Pectin lowers cholesterol. Potassium 50% of daily requirement Vitamin C 75% daily requirement Use Grapefruit juice for the following: circulation, to balance the blood sugar, to heal internal organs, high blood pressure. In the morning, grapefruit juice combined with warm water can activate the thyroid. In the evening grapefruit juice can aid sleep. 
Lemon Juice: 1 lemon, approximately ¼ cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids Vitamin C 50% daily requirement Bioflavonoids work together with Vitamin C to eliminate mucus and cleanse the bloodstream. Helpful for healing and cleansing the arteries, veins and heart. Use Lemon juice for the following: Bladder, kidney, liver and urinary problems, circulation, to regulate the blood sugar.
Lime Juice:   1 medium lime, approximately ¼ cup Benefits come from: Vitamin C Vitamin C 33% daily requirement Use Lime Juice for the following: Allergies, infections,
Mango Juice:   1 medium, approximately ½ cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 100% daily requirement Vitamin C 95% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Adenosine is a chemical that thins the blood. Use Mango or Cantaloupe juice for the following conditions: constipation, gas and to purify the bladder and urinary tract.
Nectarine Juice:   2 medium, approximately ¾ cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 40% daily requirement Vitamin C 25% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Copper 100% daily requirement Use Nectarine juice for the following conditions: Bladder, kidney and urinary problems, gas
Orange Juice:   2 medium, approximately ¾ cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 200% daily requirement Potassium 200% daily requirement Copper 25% daily intake Use orange juice for the following conditions: to balance blood sugar levels, dissolve mucus, heal gallbladder and liver, high blood pressure
Papaya Juice:   2 medium, approximately ¾ cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 200% daily requirement Vitamin C 600% daily requirement Potassium 400% daily requirement Calcium 30% daily requirement Papain acts as a digestive agent. Helps to breakdown food in the stomach. Helps to breakdown protein foods. Use Papaya Juice for the following conditions: circulatory conditions, gas and improved digestive tract.
Peach Juice:   2 medium peaches, approximately ¾ cup
Benefits come from: Folate 80% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Use Peach Juice for the following conditions: Bladder, kidney and urinary problems, high blood pressure, painful menstruation
Pear Juice:   2 medium pears, approximately ¾ cup of juice
Benefits come from: Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Use Pear juice for the following conditions: Constipation, as a diuretic and to cleanse the gallbladder.
Pineapple Juice:    ½ medium, approximately 1 cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 80% daily requirement Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Manganese 100% daily requirement Bromelin which consumes protein and aids in the pancreatic secretion. Use Pineapple juice for the following conditions: Constipation, to dissolve mucus, heartburn, and high blood pressure.
Plum Juice:   2 medium, approximately ½ cup
Benefits come from: Potassium 75% daily requirement Vitamin C 25% daily requirement Use Plum juice for the following conditions: Constipation, gas, liver or kidney problems, and urinary problems
Raspberry Juice:   1 cup fresh, approximately ¼ cup
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 50% daily requirement Potassium 50% daily requirement Manganese 100% daily requirements Use Raspberry juice for the following conditions: Constipation, cleanse the liver, Menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms.
Strawberry Juice:   1 cup fresh, approximately ½ cup of juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 100% daily requirement Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 75% daily requirement Use Strawberry juice for the following conditions: Acidosis, bladder, kidney, liver and urinary problems, dissolves mucus
Tangerine Juice:   2 medium tangerines, approximately ¾ cup juice
Benefits come from: Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 75% daily requirement Use Tangerine juice for the following conditions: asthma, to cleanse the liver,
Watermelon Juice:   2 cups fresh, approximately 1 cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 25% daily requirement Vitamin C 50% daily requirement Folate 80% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Use Watermelon juice for the following conditions: Kidney, bladder and urinary problems. Watermelon is one of the best kidney and bladder diuretics.
Benefits Of Vegetable Juices:   If using Vita Mix, pulp will increase cup quantity. Nourishment also increases.
Asparagus Juice:   6 spears, approximately ½ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 50% daily requirement Vitamin C 90% daily requirement Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Asparagine an alkaloid that works as an effective diuretic. It cleans the kidneys, is valuable for breaking up oxalic acid accumulation, kills germs with the effect of an antibiotic, removes toxins from the bloodstream, relieves inflammation and dissolves mucus. Use Asparagus juice for the following conditions: Acne, asthma, Bladder, kidney and urinary problems, lung conditions
Beet Greens Juice:   2 cups raw, approximately ¼ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 100% daily requirement Vitamin C 50% daily requirement Potassium 300% daily requirement Use Beet Greens juice for the following conditions: Anti-stress factor, constipation, eyesight, and high blood pressure.
Beet Juice:   1 medium, approximately 1/8 cup juice
Benefits come from: Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Chlorine helps to produce lecithin in the body. It is valuable for the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Beet juice is the most valuable food source for building up red blood cells and activating the lymph system throughout the entire body. Use Beet juice for the following conditions: Abuse of Alcohol, constipation, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low blood pressure.
Brussels Sprout Juice:   1 cup sprouts, approximately ¼ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 150% daily requirement Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 100% daily requirement Sulfur 100% daily requirement Use Brussel sprout juice for the following conditions: To increase pancreatic function, constipation, and poor digestion.
Broccoli Juice:   1 cup fresh, approximately ¼ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 25% daily requirement Vitamin C 100% daily requirement Potassium 80% daily requirement Use Broccoli juice for the following conditions: Allergies, Constipation, and liver ailments.
Cabbage Juice:   1 cup raw, approximately ¾ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 50% daily requirement Potassium 50% daily requirement Sulfur 100% daily requirement Indoles destroy the free radicals that cause cancer. The combination of sulfur, chlorine and iodine makes cabbage a great cleanser for the mucus membranes of the intestines and stomach. Use Cabbage juice for the following conditions: Bladder, kidney and urinary problems, constipation, hangover, ulcers
Carrot Juice:   6 to 8 medium, approximately 1 cup of juice
Benefits come from: Calcium 10% daily requirement Potassium 200% Magnesium 50% B vitamin content niacin, folacin and B-6 Use Carrot juice as the base of live food juices Carrot juice contains traces of most vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of live enzymes. Benefits the entire body.
Cauliflower Juice:   1 cup raw, approximately ¼ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 100% daily requirement Potassium 75% daily requirement Use Cauliflower juice for the following conditions: Allergies, circulation, constipation, and infections, to lower blood sugar.
Celery Juice:   5 stalks, approximately 1 cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin C 25% daily requirement Potassium 50% daily requirement. The high content of the combination of sodium, magnesium and iron, celery aids in the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body. Celery leaves are good for the nerves, acts as a tranquilizer. Use Celery juice for the following conditions: to calm the nerves, constipation, to balance blood sugar levels, and for high blood pressure.
Chard (Swiss) Juice:   2 cups raw, approximately ½ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 200% daily requirement Vitamin C 100% daily requirement Potassium 300% daily requirement Calcium 50% daily requirement Magnesium 75% daily requirement Iron 30% daily requirement. Use Swiss Chard juice for the following conditions: Circulatory problems, High blood pressure
Cucumber Juice:   1 medium with peel, approximately ¾ cup juice
Benefits come from: Folate 100% daily requirement Potassium 80% daily requirement Cucumber juice is the most powerful diuretic of all the juices. Cucumbers contain certain minerals that help break up cholesterol deposits. It also contains a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas in order to produce insulin. Use Cucumber juice for the following conditions: Circulation, constipation, depression, blood sugar problems, and high blood pressure.
Dandelion Green Juice:   1 cup raw, approximately ¼ cup juice
Benefits come from: Vitamin A 100% daily requirement Vitamin C 30% daily requirement Calcium 25% daily requirement Dandelion greens are a vital source of magnesium. Use Dandelion greens for the following conditions: to counteract hyperacidity in the body, acts as digestive aid, constipation, cleanse the liver
Endive (escarole) Juice:   1 cup raw, approximately ¼ cup juice
Benefits come from: Potassium 50% daily requirement. It is the combination of chlorine, sulfur, magnesium and calcium, which makes endive valuable. Use  Endive (escarole) juice for the following conditions: Calm the nerves, balance the body fluids, and heal the liver and gallbladder, menstrual cramps
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